IR Introduction

The responsibilities of the Institutional Research Center are as follows:
1. To collect and consolidate the university’s quantitative and qualitative data on university affairs, and to build and maintain the university affairs information platform.

2. To conduct data analysis and tracking of university affairs data and relevant external information, and to coordinate information sharing among different departments, in order to facilitate the understanding of current social development and the promotion of university affairs development.

3. To establish key indicators of university affairs, and to regularly provide information and strategy recommendations, in order to enhance the performance of university affairs decisions, university affairs improvement, and student learning.

4. To provide reports on the analysis of university affairs, and to assist in the formulation of the university’s future development guidelines and the direction of decision-making, in order to achieve the sustainable development of the university.

5. To regularly disseminate university affairs data, in order to promote understanding of the university among university staff, students, and external communities.